Evian Bottled Water 24 bottles 11.2oz Product Description:
Product Description
Evian Bottled Water 24 bottles 11.2oz The weight of this case is 16 Lbs. If your order is over $100 or 100 Lbs. Shipping is Free!
Customer Reviews
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.Nothing
By bernie
Now you may ask why pay to have H20 packed and shipped half way around the world just to be guzzled in a mater of seconds, minutes at the most?Well "nothing" is the reason. Everyday you hear about the odd stuff that is in local water supplies. My favorite statement is "it may look nasty and taste awful but it is perfectly safe." So we turn to bottled water that is everything from the same local water just packaged to fancy mineral water that needs lime to mellow it out. Included in this category is a concoction called drinking water; they take everything out and put back what they guess makes water drinkable. The worst sort of stuff is items packed in colorful plastic bottles that taste like colorful plastic.Evian on the other hand is water the way that nature intended. It goes down smooth and has no after taste. It is refreshing when cooled but can work well even at room temperature. Gourmet coffee locations use this as the base water because it does not distract from the taste. The water is even used externally for applying and removing makeup. I keep a case in the car incase of any emergency that may come up.There is "nothing" more satisfying.
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